18 Frequently Asked Questions About Luxxe White Enhanced Glutathione

Learn and discover more about Luxxe White Enhanced Glutathione. Today’s world high quality and best selling skin whitening supplement in the market.

What is actually a Glutathione ?
Glutathione is a substance produced naturally by the liver. It’s also found in fruits, vegetables and meat. It is made of three types of amino acids namely cysteine, glycine and glutamic acids. Glutathione is an anti-oxidants, whose primary job is to alleviate oxidative stress. Oxidative Stress occurs when cells are injured. Cells can be damaged physically, by viruses and bacteria, via toxic exposure and/or normal aging. Thus, toxic affects your liver and the way you look inside and out.

How does Luxxe WhiteLuxxe White Enhanced Glutathione works?
It is an ENHANCED type of glutathione that acts like an accelerator, which can help the body naturally produce its own glutathione. It will not only improve your over-all well-being but will also produce a remarkable side effect, which is SKIN WHITENING.

1. How long before I really see the results?
Disclaimers: Results may vary according to different individuals. General feedback is 2-3 weeks.

2. Why is it that some people see results early and others take longer? 
Results vary because everyone has a different metabolism; it also depends on your baseline Glutathione level.

3. What is the recommended dosage to be able to achieve faster results? 
To achieve faster results, suggested is 1-2 capsules per day.

4. Is there such a thing as Glutathione over dosage? 
There is no known over dosage because LUXXE WHITE is water-soluble, any excess Glutathione in your system will be excreted through urine or bile. Did you know that Glutathione can be given at a daily dose of more than 500mg to some people? LUXXE WHITE and its component ingredients are all supplements; they already exist in our bodies.

5. What makes LUXXE WHITE different compared to other whitening pills?
The ingredients in LUXXE WHITE are not only powerful individually, but also work together in what is known as antioxidant cycling. Antioxidant cycling is a term that describes how antioxidants work together to extend each other’s lives and make each other more potent. This is also the reason why LUXXE WHITE is so effective when it comes to whitening skin during long-term use.

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6. Is it advisable to continue using some whitening creams or gels while using?
Yes. You may continue using whitening creams and gels while taking LUXXE WHITE.

7. Can LUXXE WHITE give me an equal skin tone all over me?
The effect is whole body whitening. However, there are areas that are naturally darker than the rest of our body. Just don’t expect that areas like underarms and bikini areas will whiten as fast as our face, legs and arms. But Luxxe White can give us a fair, even skin tone from head to toe.

8. Is LUXXE WHITE a drug, vitamin or supplement? 
LUXXE WHITE is considered a food and dietary supplement. It is not a drug and there are no known contraindications and precautions to be taken into consideration.

9. Should I stop taking the pill once I have achieved my desired skin tone?
Once you have achieved your desired skin tone/complexion, you can stop because your glutathione level is already boosted. Your skin will remain fair unless exposed to direct sunlight that causes sunburn.

But as long as you have achieved your desired result, it will not turn back to your previous skin-tone. However, if you have noticed that you’re no longer satisfied with your skin, you could take ONE (1) capsule of LUXXE WHITE for maintenance purposes or use our whitening soap instead.

10. Is it safe to expose my skin to sunlight while taking LUXXE WHITE?
Whether you take Luxxe White or not, you should always protect your skin from too much sun exposure. Sunlight provides Vitamin D, but overexposure will directly affect the whitening process.
Always stay in the shade, use umbrella or use sunblock or sunscreen lotion that provides an SPF (Sun Protection Factor) of 45-60 to protect you from the harmful effects of the sun.

11. Why is LUXXE WHITE considered as liver food?
The level of glutathione in the liver is critically linked to the livers ability to detoxify. The higher the glutathione content, the greater the liver capacity to detoxify harmful chemicals.

Typically, when we are exposed to chemicals to which can damage the liver including alcohol, the concentration of glutathione in the liver is substantially reduced. This reduction makes the liver susceptible to damage. (Source: Nature’s Potent Liver Remedy by Dr. Murray.)

12. Are there any side effects from long-term use of LUXXE WHITE?
There are no known side effects or adverse reactions with oral administration of LUXXE WHITE for prolonged use. The only side effect is the SKIN WHITENING effect itself.

13. Is LUXXE WHITE safe to be taken by young teens?
LUXXE WHITE can be safely taken by anyone 15 years old upwards. 15-17 years old are only recommended 1 capsule a day taken before bed time.

14. Does LUXXE WHITE have any side effects?
The only side effect of LUXXE WHITE is the WHITENING of your skin.

15. Is it better to take LUXXE WHITE on an empty or full stomach?
LUXXE WHITE can be taken 30 minutes before or after meal but it is best taken on an empty stomach.

However it is not advisable for you to take luxxe white on an empty stomach if you have problems like ulcer, hyperacidity, etc. Take it 30 mins after meal or immediately after meal if you have this kind of problem.

16. Can men take LUXXE WHITE?
Yes, a man’s basic skin structure is the same as a woman’s.

17. Is LUXXE WHITE FDA Approved?
Yes, LUXXE WHITE is FDA Approved. (see image below)

18. Where to buy Luxxe White?
Make sure you purchase on official distributor/sales associate of Frontrow International. Note: Ask for company ID and other valid ID’s.

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